The fake philosophical terminology of mathematical logic has misled philosophers into believing that mathematical logic deals with the truth in the philosophical sense. But this is a mistake. Mathematical logic deals not with the truth, but with the game of truth.
A font of erratics for Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, cut with Metafont for the English translation (Oxford, 2013).
- Proofs for roman and italic
- The $\rm\LaTeX$ package documentation
- A sample (15 MB), comparing the font with scans from an original printing of the Grundgesetze
- The font sources are available on GitLab
- The CTAN page
- The convenience of the typesetter, published in the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, discusses the typography of Grundgesetze in some detail
- A digital copy of the 1893 edition of the Grundgesetze from the Gallica collection at the BnF