

0.8.2 2024-04-07

An R-tree is a spatial data index which allows one to perform fast queries as to which of a potentially huge collection of rectangles (or higher dimensional cuboids) intersect a given rectangle. R-trees were introduced by A. Guttman in 1984 in the seminal paper "R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching".

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RTree An Octave native extension implementing the R-tree spatial index of Guttman-Green.
RTreeStyle A Ruby wrapper around RTree styles, used in PostScript plotting.

RTree class methods

RTree.bsrt_read Create a new RTree instance from BSRT (binary serialised R-tree) path or readable binary stream IO_ARG.
RTree.csv_read Create a new RTree instance from CSV path or stream.
RTree.json_read Create (deserialise) an RTree instance from JSON path or stream IO_ARG.

RTree class constants

RTree.bugreport The email address for bug reports.
RTree.name The name of the wrapped C library.
RTree.url The URL of the package's homepage.

RTree instance methods

RTree.add_rect Add a rectangle RECT to the RTree instance.
RTree.branch_size The size N in bytes of a branch.
RTree.branching_factor The number N of branches from each node.
RTree.bsrt_write Serialise to BSRT (binary serialised R-tree) stream or path IO_ARG.
RTree.clone Create a deep copy.
RTree.dim The dimension N of the R-tree.
RTree.empty Whether or not the tree is empty (has no rectangles)
RTree.eq Equality of RTrees.
RTree.height The height of the tree in the usual mathematical sense.
RTree.json_write Serialise to JSON stream or path IO_ARG.
RTree.ne Inequality of RTrees.
RTree.node_size The size N in bytes of a node.
RTree.page_size The size N in bytes of a page of memory.
RTree.postscript Create a PostScript plot of the RTree instance.
RTree.rect_size The size N in bytes of a rectangle.
RTree.search Search the RTree for intersecting rectangles.
RTree.size The total bytes N allocated for the instance.
RTree.update Update the RTree instance.
RTree.unit_sphere_volume The volume V of the unit sphere in the instance's dimension.

RTreeStyle class methods

RTreeStyle.json_read Create a new RTreeStyle instance OBJ from JSON stream or path IO_ARG.